Yesterday for the third week in a row I got out with Rick and A few others for a couple hours of White label mountain biking. This week we took the clive greenbelt up to country club then the Wdms Trail back around Jordan Creek mall and back to Giffs. I had a couple of close calls with the ground but didn't make contact at all (2 weeks in a row). I also learned about "sidewalk singletrack" I never ride on the sidewalk but in the snow it is kind of fun, every street there is a pile of stuff to jump over and some places its so narrow you scrap your feet on both sides.
I haven't really kept track of "Snow miles" this year but I have in at least 250 since the first dumping of global warming. I am however taking tomorrow as an off bike day, something about 5 below of a high for tomorrow. I am hoping for the heat wave this weekend to make it till tuesday for my "weekend" and get in some good miles. I have managed to keep a good attitude this winter and get out when I can and fix things in my house when I can't.
Hey, is your trainer the kind that just spins the back wheel?
Do you use a computer, to track distance, speed, etc?
or does your trainer have one built in?
I have a wireless computer on my handlebars and the receptor is on my front wheel... wondering if I should temporarily move it to my back wheel? or get a second one? or if that would even work...
Ive been getting in lots of time spinning, but no idea what my speed or distance is....
Steph, most of the wireless units have enough range that you can hook them up using the rear wheel without any problem. Mounting the sensor on the chain stay is usually the hardest part, but even that's pretty simple.
Thanks Buckshot77 :)
Steph I use a cadence/speed that reads off the back wheel on my road bike. I don't really pay any attention to it while i'm riding i only watch the heart rate. Or just if you can breathe your not pushing it hard enough. I don't really count trainer miles as milage (i should id have a couple hundred more miles in the month) And I HATE the trainer but still need it.
Thanks for the info Courtney :) I got a pretty good HRM, so that does help gauge my workouts!
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