Photo by Rick Bachman
Second week of cross practice. We had a good course at Good park (sorry couldn't help myself) I took the 60 minute plus 2 laps I know I'm not in the 123 cat but if you want to ride with the fast guys you have to put in the time. I noticed that my diet and small amount of weight loss the last month have made a big difference. When ever I hear Race I think why am I doing this? Should I be here? Then it starts and I get that Adrenaline boost and it's all out then. I started this week in a group of over 100 (seriously) people, but left alot of them behind right away. I have noticed mountain bikers have the advantage some people slow down for holes and rocks we speed up. I took the first 30 minutes (not sure how many laps) in a zone 4-5 effort. After almost throwing up I turned it down a little. I was proud of myself after holding Squirrels wheel for a couple laps and my last couple laps on Blackfords. Second to last lap I sprinted the last 3 straight sections (20 mph) and it hurt top of the hill I was a little dizzy. I think you almost crave that feeling of burnt lungs and twitching leg muscles after a hard effort.
Damn, that's a rock'n.
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