Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Your what team hurts?

So as a guy it is naturally assumed that I watch football.  I would like to correct this stereo type....People at work are like "did you see that kick off" or "that was the best play ever" and so on.  I'm like thats cool are we talking about football or basketball or a drinking game?  So I'm not much for 'ball' sports.  As a kid my Dad didn't really watch football and I was a smaller kid so I was the last one selected for any team, so I never got into it.  I also never understood watching games either,  I mean playing is fun but even watching bike races gets boring after a while (thats were beer comes in).  So he kicked a 100,000 yard field goal and the other guy caught it and ran it in for a touch down.....(is my beer here yet)......and it was the best play ever....."your talking about football right?"......

1 comment:

Dan said...

I never got into football either, i don't understand the fun of watching it. People find this hard to understand!